Hi, I am Una.

I design from FRUSTRATION.

Design process

Each of my projects is divided into design phases:

GOAL: We take stock and define the design goal. Where are we now? Where do we want to go? Why?

RESEARCH: I’m working my way into the subject area. What is the current state of research? How have others solved the problem? I learn relevant methods and software.

ENGINEERING: Design and development of prototypes. I follow different approaches and test their advantages and disadvantages.

ADJUSTMENT: I draw conclusions from the test results. I discard impractical ideas. I merge successful aspects into joint drafts and return to step 3. I repeat this iterative loop of design and testing until a design satisfactorily achieves the design goal.

TEACHING: Documentation and presentation of the final design. I explain the design decisions and help with implementation and training.



Semester project 2022/23

Data protection through data economy is like fire protection through non-building. The Delphi app concept offers an alternative to fear-driven data protection by empowering users and preventing data monopolies. The project is a further development of an interdisciplinary semester project by product design and computer science students at KHB Weißensee and TU Berlin.

Tracking apps help people to better understand their health. However, the models examined were unable to clearly break down cause-and-effect relationships and did not visualize the findings in an understandable way.

Delphi uses various sources such as keyboard input, voice recognition, movement data, weather reports or shopping lists. These can be released individually for automatic recording. This provides the necessary information density to recognize causes and consequences. Instead of many separate displays for different data points, Delphi uses a 3D visualization. Time as the common denominator of all data categories is displayed in the form of a spiral, making patterns visible.

Finding the right medication faster, optimizing training, identifying allergens or simply having fun with data analysis – Delphi empowers people to gain insights from their own data.

Moments in the design process:

early ideas
first idea of final concept
test of different data visualization
3d-visualization in Blender
concept of feedback loop visualization
coding-interface for data import


pocket office

Bachelor 2021

Most citizens encounter the state through authorities. These encounters often trigger fear: a risk to democracy.

Pocket office counters this fear by putting citizens in control of administrative processes and their own data. A game-like user interface, automation of process steps, and comprehensible explanations make the processes accessible.

Supervision: Prof. Carola Zwick and Prof. Lucy Norris.

Moments in the design process:

Case study of an administrative process
Project planning on Miro
Case study of another administrative process
Process design model “Desk”
Process design model “parting of the ways”
Process design model “Library“
Process design model “Companion“
Sketches for functional considerations
Sovereign data management infographic
physical prototype
digital prototype in Blender
Sketches of individual functions
Concept for mascot accessories as path indicator
Concept rendering for further visual development
Visualization of the app in use


VOTA: participation engine for urban planning

Interdisciplinary semester project 2019/20

On your way to work, you notice that new construction sites have sprung up overnight, causing annoying detours. This can make you feel like the city is not your own. Since 2020, it has been the law to involve residents in city planning processes.

The problems

Some are already being included. However, there is an imbalance in recruitment. Different groups such as women, the very young and the elderly, the formally low educated and people with an immigrant background are underrepresented. Some reasons include language barriers, doubts about their own competence, and lack of time. Online surveys, while theoretically more comprehensive, are evaluated manually. Therefore, the number of participants is artificially limited to avoid high costs. This results in consequential errors that lead to the opinion of many people not being taken into account in public construction projects.

The solution

VOTA combines analog and digital elements to simplify the process of data collection and make participation in planning processes more attractive. As a regular passerby, a large-scale billboard attracts your attention and encourages your interest in an area to be developed. A smart pillar loads a simple, image-based survey interface on your smartphone. The survey is quick to complete and automatically evaluates responses. It also displays average results and asks for your participation in further planning steps. The column then outputs stickers that visualize your preferences, which you can add to the poster to express your opinion in a creative way.

The Team

Büsra Aybükehan Altun (computer science), Léon Dirmeier (computer science), Robin Hoske (product design), Leon Laskowski (product design), Una Preuß (product design)

This project is part of:

ENTITY:CITY Neo-analogue products for urban space.

Interdisciplinary studio project: Embodied Interactions / weissensee kunsthochschule berlin and Human Centered Computing / FU Berlin Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Claudia Müller-Birn, Prof. Thomas Ness, lecturer Judith Glaser (MA Design) and lecturer Yolanda Leask

Moments in the design process:

First collection of ideas
Design infographic
UI-sketch 1
UI-sketch 2
Skizze of physical prototype
Rendering of the design
Inserting the printer
Printer test run
Physical prototype under construction
Set up at the exhibition
Presentation at the exhibition
Exhibition visitors use the prototype

1000 WORLDS – reading sample

An intercosmic postwoman tries to deliver a parcel. But the parcel does not want to.

The appeal of speculative fiction is the immersion in new worlds and ideas. Frustratingly, elements are often repeated, especially in the fantasy genre! This nascent low-fantasy novel is aimed at frequent fantasy readers bored of established concepts.

Sounds like something you’d read? As an alpha test reader, you can have more right now. Sign up if You’re interested and get commenter access to the Google Doc. Have a say in where the journey goes!



    BVS – website development 2022

    This web business card resulted from a commission for an extraordinary homepage for the traffic planning company BVS. I redesigned and implemented the website with WordPress substructure, graphics, animations, and logo. It is as barrier-free as possible, secure, legally compliant, and easy to maintain.

    Here you can see the new website live:

    Moments in the design process:

    Suggestion 2
    Suggestion 1
    Suggestion 3
    Discarded logo 1
    Discarded logo 2
    Excerpt from our communication

    Sometimes I also make fun 3D models, for example of door knobs 🙂


    the bra-blog

    Did you know that DD is not a big size? Ever heard of breast migration? Or seen an N-cup?


    Una Preuß	
Expected July 2025	Graduation Master of Arts
Since November 2021	Work as a freelance designer
March 2021	Graduation Bachelor of Arts with 1.3 (≈3.7 in US grades)
June 2020- May 2021	Work as a tutor
March- July 2020	Internship at the porcelain startup KRENu
April 2020- May 2022	Product design department spokesperson
Since September 2017	Working as a student assistant
Since April 2017	Member of the student council
September 2016	Started Product design studies at the Berlin Weißensee School of Art
February- April 2016	Three months internship at Art & Design advertising agency Kamp-Lintfort
December 2015- January 2016	Four weeks introduction to handicraft techniques (soldering, forging, enameling) at the vocational college for Technology Moers
June 2015	Abitur at the Georg-Forster-Gymnasium Kamp-Lintfort with a GPA of 1.6 (≈3.4 in US grades)
October 2014	Two weeks internship at the architectural office Ludger Ebbert in Wesel
November 2013	Special prize of the Senator for Education, Youth, and Science Berlin at the 5th Manga Competition of the German-Japanese Society
October 05, 1996	Born in Moers
